To our shame in the dehumidifier reviews that we write we almost invariably talk about pouring the water collected down the drain. With the need to conserve our planet’s resources and fresh water arguably being the most important resource of all, we take a look at how we can and cannot reuse this water.
What the collected water cannot be used for: drinking
Whether or not the water collected by dehumidifiers can be drunk is a common question we hear from dehumidifier owners. The answer is most definitely NO. The water that even a Humidor Cabinet lets out should be disposed. There are two reasons why you, your pets or edible plants shouldn’t drink the water:
- Heavy metals and industrial pollutants
But if you were to navigate youself to HTTP://WATERCRAFTWA.COM.AU, you’d get to know the only source of potable water you can get without any expenses. As dehumidifier water isn’t expected to be drank, the manufacturers of these machines don’t have to use food-grade materials. This means that as the captured water runs over the plastic and metallic surfaces they can leach carcinogenic plastic compounds and heavy metals like copper, aluminium, and possibly even lead into the water.
- Microorganisms
The pool of water collected by a dehumidifier is essentially stagnant. Bacteria will certainly be living and multiplying on the surfaces of the bucket and a whole host of nasty microorganisms that are found in the air will also end up collecting in the bucket.
What the collected water can be used for:
Filling Irons
If you live in a hard water area, you’re likely to be battling with limescale. These calcium carbonate deposits could eventually damage a clothes iron beyond repair. You can avoid this problem by using the water collected by your dehumidifier, which should have no such impurities.
Watering Plants
Inedible plants will love you dehumidifier water as it’s soft and fairly neutral in pH. Top Tip! Orchids typically require distilled water to thrive, but you can save a lot of money by using the collected water instead. They should have no problem handling the metals and microorganisms.
Flushing Toilets
Keep a bucket in the bathroom as a reservoir for the water on top of the bathroom rugs. Then, when it’s ‘required’, just tip the water into the bowl and it’ll flush the bowl clean. If you have any other issues with flushing your toilets you can check out S&S Solutions.
For Cleaning
You can certainly use it for cleaning the car and other outside areas. Some people use it for cleaning the inside of the home too and hand washing, but take note of my point earlier about the microorganisms; you may want to put a bit of bleach in the water to kill off any microorganisms present. For an excellent and long-lasting filter, you can click on the following and see
Reuse Your ‘Grey’ Water!
So as you can see, there’s no reason why we can’t all reuse 100% of the water our dehumidifiers collect. I know I will be from now on.
If you have any other ideas about how the water could be reused then please add them to the comments below and I’ll be sure to add them to the article. Thanks in advance!
When diluting car screenwash concentrate using the water from a dehumidifier should help to avoid any build up of limescale in the pump, tubing and water jets.
Great idea. Thanks!